Who We Are
Welcome to...
The people of St. Paul's, are committed to live and journey together as followers of Christ through worship, discipleship and mission.
Oh how easy it is to get lost! With our cell phones and iPads, our 24-hour news cycles, there’s virtually nowhere to go for a moment of peace and quiet.
Whether you're new to the area or have recently found yourself wandering in search of a new spiritual home, St. Paul's may be your answer. We invite you to join us.
We've known Jesus' plentiful grace.
We've experienced Jesus' eternal mercy.
We've seen proof of Jesus' unfailing love.
"There is neither Jew or Greek, no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one with Christ Jesus"
Church Services
Sundays at 10:00 A.M. Also live streamed on Youtube.
Many faces, one faith.
We are a diverse group of believers – bankers, musicians, social workers, teachers, public servants, business owners, parents – united by our shared faith in a loving God.
Address: 79 Cross St, Gardner, MA 01440 ~ Office Phone: (978) 632-0925 ~ Sunday Service: Worship at 10:00 AM