St. Paul's works to provide hygiene products to women and seniors who may not be able to acquire them. To learn more about how you can help and what types of products are needed, please email Judy or Stephanie.
Laundry Love
Once a month we go to a local laundry mat and spread God's love by helping our neighbors pay for their laundry. Many low income
families are struggling to make ends met and this small act of kindness can make a difference. No strings attached, just trying to get out and met the needs of God's children where we find them. We change locations each month in order to try to help a variety of people. If you want to spend a few hour surprising people and sharing love I promise this ministry will be a blessing to you as well. Please see Susan Hubbard, Denise Whitney, or Denis Munier.
Our community outreach programs are designed to help those in need.
Our duty is to spiritually uplift our community, and work toward a greater good. Within our own community in Gardner and together with the Episcopal Diocese of Western MA, we work to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. We help those seeking spiritual healing and enlightenment. Our outreach projects serve people of all races, creeds, and religions. We support our fellow man, and strive to serve as a guiding light.
Address: 79 Cross St, Gardner, MA 01440 ~ Office Phone: (978) 632-0925 ~ Sunday Service: Worship at 10:00 AM
Welcome to...
Gardner Community Action Committee (Gardner C.A.C) Food Pantry
We support the Gardner CAC Food Pantry by donating and delivering several bags of groceries each week.
Donations are accepted at St. Paul's. Information about the CAC can be found by visiting the Gardner CAC website.
Gardner Community Action Committee (Gardner C.A.C.) Grocery Delivery Service
One Saturday morning a month, dedicated volunteers spend 1 to 2 hours making
a huge difference in the lives of local people, by bringing groceries to them in
their homes. This service is coordinated by Julie Meehan at the C.A.C.
Volunteers and helpers are always welcome.
If you can carry a 15 lb. bag of
groceries up some stairs and would like to help out
on the third Saturday each month,
please contact Susan Hubbard. Thank You!
Community Mission Backpack Project
Again this year, Summer of 2021, we have joined with other area churches for the Community Mission Backpack Project.
This project helps local school children by providing backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year. This year 220
backpacks were donated in the Gardner community for this program.