Youth Group: Meets regularly year round for fun activities and community building.

Communion Preparation Class: An annual educational opportunity to prepare young people to receive Communion.  The class takes place in the spring and the children are celebrated on Pentecost Sunday.

Confirmation Class: Youth and young adult formation is directed towards Confirmation, when young people take on their Baptismal Vows and are blessed by the Bishop during his annual visitation.

Church School: Church school classes are offered during the first part of the service on Sundays, with children joining their families for Communion. 


St. Paul's has an active community of children and youth who meet regularly and participate in a wide variety of activities.  

For more information and to register your child for any of these programs, please email Father Tim @ 

Welcome to...

Address: 79 Cross St, Gardner, MA 01440 ~ Office Phone: (978) 632-0925 ~ Sunday Service: Worship at 10:00 AM

​St. Paul's Episcopal Church

St. Paul's Youth in Action!